Tips | NewPet

"We moved house and my cat has little appetite."

Submitted by info on Mon, 2022-09-05 18:02

“I have a 3-year-old cat who has little appetite.

She's always been thin – she doesn't weigh more than 2 kg – but we recently moved house and I think that's what caused her lack of appetite.

How can I know if she is eating enough? And what can I do to whet your appetite?”


First of all, it is important to know how much food we should give our animal daily. This amount of feed always depends on:

  • Of the weight of our animal.
  • The recommended amount for the feed we are giving you. This information is always specified on the feed package.

Tip 1: See how much food is recommended

We must always follow the indications given by the brand, in order to give the quantities indicated for them.

Giving too little or giving too much ends up being harmful to our little friend.

Tip 2: Give supplement to stimulate appetite

In case the cat really needs to open her appetite and eat better, we recommend:

  • Anima – Strath fortifying supplement

These are some of the benefits of Anima – Strath :

  • Increases and strengthens immune resistance/defense: protects against infections.
  • It makes the hair healthy and shiny.
  • Stimulates appetite and balances the digestive system.
  • Accelerates recovery after illness, shortening the convalescence period.
  • Ideal for animals with a lot of activity.
  • It helps in situations of stress and nervousness or strange food environments.

This supplement is suitable not only for cats but for all animals.

Tip 3: Make the new environment safe and comfortable

To alleviate the cat's anxiety, due to the changes, we can use the Feliway Classic Diffuser.

Having the diffuser turned on in the new home helps create a pleasant environment for the cat.

Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, which is what cats use to mark their territory as a safe area.

In this sense, Feliway can be used to help the cat feel in a safe and comfortable environment, helping to reduce the tension that may have been caused by the change of environment.

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Get to know Advantix

Submitted by info on Thu, 2022-09-01 18:59

Deworming our bigeyes is important for their health.

Get to know Advantix: what are the benefits, how to apply and information needed to keep your bigeye protected against the most relevant external parasites.

Why should we protect our dogs from the most relevant external parasites?

The protection of our bigeyes is important: bites from fleas, ticks, sandflies, mosquitoes and stable flies can be a nuisance for the dog.

In addition, some of these insects can transmit dangerous disease agents, known as Canine Vector-Transmitted Diseases (CVBDs), with serious implications for our dog's health, some of which can also be transmitted to tutors (zoonotic diseases).

Why Advantix?

Advantix is exclusively for external use:

• Eliminates fleas (treatment and prevention); can be applied as part of the flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) treatment strategy.
• Eliminates biting lice.
• Repels and eliminates ticks; reduces the risk of transmission of CVBD (diseases such as borreliosis, rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis).
• Repels mosquitoes and sandflies; reduces the risk of transmitting CVBD such as leishmaniasis.
• Repels stable flies; contributes to the prevention of fly bite dermatitis.

How to apply Advantix

Dogs weighing 10 kg or less: Keeping the dog upright, part the hair between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. Place the pipette tip on the skin and squeeze the pipette several times firmly to empty the contents directly onto the skin.

Dogs weighing more than 10 kg: The dog must be kept upright for easier application. The entire contents of the Advantix® pipette should be applied evenly at 4 points on the midline of the back, starting from the shoulder blades to the base of the tail. At each point part the animal's fur until the skin is visible. Place the pipette tip on the skin and squeeze gently so that a portion of the content is poured directly onto the skin. Do not apply an excessive amount of solution to any of these points, as part of the solution may run down the animal's back.

For which species is Advantix indicated?

Advantix is suitable for dogs. Do not administer to cats.

Do not administer Advantix to puppies under 7 weeks of age or weighing 1.5 kg.

Due to the particular physiology of the cat, which is unable to metabolize certain compounds including permethrin, Advantix® is extremely toxic to cats and can even cause death. In order to prevent accidental exposure to the veterinary medicinal product, keep dogs away from cats after treatment until the application site is dry. It is important to ensure that cats do not lick the application site of a treated dog. If this happens, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Advantix duration of effectiveness

Advantix remains effective if the animal is wet. However, intense and prolonged exposure to water should be avoided.

In cases of frequent exposure to water, the duration of effectiveness may be shortened. In these cases, do not repeat the treatment more than once a week.

When it is necessary to wash the dog with shampoo, it is recommended to wash it before applying Advantix or at least 2 weeks after application, in order to optimize the effectiveness of Advantix.

- Fleas: every 4 weeks.
- Ticks: every 3 or 4 and 4 weeks.
- Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus perniciosus): every 3 weeks
- Mosquitoes (Culex pipiens): every 4 weeks.
- Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans): every 4 weeks.
- Chewing lice (Trichodectes canis): 1 treatment. In case of chewing lice infestation, a new examination by the veterinarian is recommended 30 days after treatment, as some animals may need a second treatment.

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Oral health

Submitted by info on Fri, 2022-08-19 12:12

Despite being often undervalued, our animal's oral hygiene is very important for its life. Over time, owners begin to notice that the dog or cat has bad breath and this may be the only sign that the animal has oral problems.

Oral disease in animals is probably as common and painful as it is in humans. Tartared teeth are not only harmful to our pet's mouth. Bacteria found in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and reach various organs: heart, liver, kidneys, among others.

Diseases and alerts:

These are the main problems that can affect the mouth of our friends, and what we should do to solve, prevent or minimize these situations.

Oral Diseases:

  • Dental Plaque – Dogs and cats rarely have cavities, but they easily accumulate excess tartar on their teeth. Plaque is formed with the accumulation of food debris and bacteria along the gum line.
  • Tartar – The plaque mineralizes and turns into tartar after 24/48 hours. When the plaque takes on a yellowish or brownish color, we can speak of tartar. Tartar can only be removed by professional cleaning.
  • Gingivitis – Inflammation of the gums that causes pain and redness.
  • Periodontal Disease – It is the result of a bad mouth, causing pain, loss of teeth, abscesses and bone infections. It results from the accumulation of tartar that will destroy the tissues and separate the gum from the tooth. If properly treated, the progression of this disease can be prevented. It is more common in small breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier, Pincher, Chihuahua or Poodle, among others. Its appearance is also more frequent in senior dogs of all breeds and in cats.

Warning Signs to take into account :

  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • reluctance to gnaw
  • Excessive Salivation
  • Red or swollen gums with blood
  • Yellow or brown teeth
  • teeth fall out
  • loss of appetite

habits to have

There are small habits that we can have from the beginning of the animal's life to avoid problems:

  • Brush your pet's teeth daily : You can use your own toothbrushes or not, as long as they are very soft. As for toothpastes, toothpaste suitable for animals should be used as human toothpaste contains a level of fluoride that can be toxic to animals. In dogs that are not used to these routines, we should start with an eraser that is applied to the finger, but as dogs generally like the taste of toothpaste, it is not difficult to get them to accept the brush. The secret is to make this procedure a fun time with our friend.
  • Check-Up : The animal must go to the vet every year (in the case of elderly animals twice a year), for a general health check-up. Among other points, the examination includes observation of the oral cavity and depending on the general condition of the teeth and gums, a specific treatment may be recommended.
  • Professional Cleaning (Scaling and Polishing) : As soon as the tartar builds up, the animal needs a scaling. This is a veterinary procedure performed solely under general anesthesia to avoid any painful sensations and stress associated with the use of ultrasound. At the end of the process, the teeth are usually polished to prevent the bacteria present in the mouth from adhering to the surface of the tooth again.
  • Adequate food : In addition to these care, it is essential that the animal has a balanced diet based on dry food, since the chewing of croquettes has an abrasive effect on the surface of the tooth and is less susceptible to leaving traces of food accumulated between the teeth. compared to wet food (cans) or homemade food.
  • Other aids for the oral health of our friends : When daily brushing is not a practical option, there are other methods that allow you to maintain the oral health of animals, such as:

    • Specific chewing sticks for tartar prevention;
    • Specific elixir for animals;
    • Powder to mix in the specific food to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque;
    • Specific diets to prevent the formation of tartar;
    • There are several toys available on the market designed to combat the formation of plaque and tartar that are much appreciated by animals like any other toy. We should not give our pet toys that are abrasive or too hard, as they can wear out too much or even break their teeth.

Dental care prevents diseases, and therefore the costs inherent in their treatment.

With this care, we are not just giving your pet a healthy mouth, we are giving it health to the whole organism.

recommended products

All available oral health products for dogs and cats .

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Canine hygiene – Tricks and Tips

Submitted by info on Fri, 2022-08-19 11:27

Regular hygiene care for our pet is very important. Help us keep our friends clean, healthy and comfortable.

One option that we can consider is to leave this type of tasks to professionals.

But for those who want to give their furry a more personalized attention and still save a little, we leave here the main tasks to perform, as well as some tips and suggestions to make them easier.

to brush

brush the dog

Brushing our dog's coat daily or at least with some regularity helps a lot so that it doesn't get tangled and full of knots.

You should start brushing along the neck and go down, being careful under the belly, as it is a sensitive area. And don't forget to brush your ass!

There are small, soft brushes that fit in the hand or other shapes. We must choose the one that best suits the size of our dog's coat.

We must not forget to reward the dog as we brush it, with praise, petting or food. We should also take breaks whenever necessary. In this way, he associates this moment with something fun.


cut the nodes

When the fur is so tangled up that we can't brush it, we should cut that fur, as they can pull the skin when the animal moves, which can become painful.

We must always be careful when using scissors so as not to hurt our friend or us!

In case we are unable to remove the knot, we should ask a professional for help.

Some nodes may get close to the skin, which can cause bacterial infections. If this is the case, we should take our dog to the vet.


clean your eyes

White-haired or large-eyed breeds may need more maintenance in this area.

Depending on the breed, this step can be as simple as removing debris from the corners of your eyes.

Long-haired dogs may need extra attention to grooming as they can develop stains caused by tears. We must buy proper products to remove these stains.

A healthy eye should be clean and not show any signs of irritation or unusual discharge.

We should not trim the hair around our animals' eyes, as it is a very sensitive area. We should leave this task to a person with experience.

The products we have available for optic health .


clean the ears

It's normal to find wax in our animals' ears, but it shouldn't have any smell.

To clean this region, you must apply a solution suitable for cleaning ears on cotton or using as indicated, cleaning from inside the ear to the inner ear. We shouldn't carry too much so as not to hurt our animal.

Praising the dog during this process is always a good idea. We should try to make him as comfortable as possible.

It should be noted that excessive discharge, inflammation and odors are signs of infections and in these situations we should always consult the veterinarian.

The products we have available for ear health .


Brushing teeth

The ideal way to keep our 4-legged friend's mouth healthy is to brush his teeth daily with his own toothpaste.

We should never use our toothpaste, as fluoride is poisonous to dogs if swallowed.

If you think your dog bites when you try to brush his teeth, it's best to take him to a vet.

A technique to get our dog used to brushing:

Start by putting toothpaste on one of our fingers and spread it on the teeth for a few seconds. We must reward our friend whenever he cooperates.

Start using a dog toothbrush, always using the reward technique.

We should always stop when we feel that our dog is stressed. A break helps not to make the experience traumatic.

When we see an accumulation of tartar and plaque, just brushing is not enough. A professional cleaning every now and then is important.

There are snacks, palatable bars and croquettes that we can give our little friend that also help keep their teeth cleaner.

The products we have available for dental health .


Cut the nails

If the nails are not trimmed, they can grow and curl over the paws, which can cause joint damage.

To keep our dog's nails short, we must regularly trim them as they grow.

If we hear your nails hitting the floor, it's a sign that it's time to trim them.

We must cut about 3 centimeters of the nail, using a proper clipper.

If the dog's nail is transparent, you can see the cob, a pink area that has blood vessels. We must be careful to cut only the transparent part of the nail, avoiding the cob.

If we accidentally cut the cob, we should apply a hemostatic powder or cornstarch with a little pressure to stop the blood.

As in other situations, if we don't feel comfortable cutting our nails, we should take our animals to have them cut by a specialist.


bathe the dog

It's more than an expression! It can be a real adventure!

It is important to avoid slippery floors. If we use the bathtub, we must use a non-slip mat.

The water must be warm. Being too hot, the water can be unpleasant for the dog.

If necessary, we must restrain the dog so that it does not run away. It helps in the process if we reward our little friend with treats or cookies.

We must completely wet our dog before applying the shampoo. When pouring the shampoo, we must start with the neck, following the hind legs and, using the fingers, spread the product throughout the coat. We must leave the head for last and we must not shampoo the area of the ears and eyes. The head should be wiped with a wet towel.

At the end we must dry the dog with a towel. Initially placing it on its back, in order to allow it to shake itself. Many dogs learn the “bath rules” and wait for a towel to be placed over them before shaking.

If the dog is short-haired, we can let them dry on their own. If our dog is long-haired, we can dry him with a hairdryer. The dryer must be in the cold. It makes the task longer, but this way we don't risk burning our friend.

The shampoos we have available for dogs.


trim the fur

With long-haired breeds of dogs, a regular haircut can become a necessity.

Breeds that require regular grooming include cocker spaniels, sheepdogs, poodles, collies, shih tzus, Pekingese, chow chows, among others.

We should trim the fur when it is dry.

We must prevent the dog from moving, trapping it. During the process, we can place our free hand under our friend's belly to encourage him to be still.

If we buy our own machine to trim our dog's fur, we must read the machine's instructions and how to handle it. Asking a professional for tips can also be a good option.

We must keep in mind that using scissors for this task, the final result will hardly be uniform, in addition to the fact that the probability of hurting our animal increases. In this case, an own machine is a better option.


Regardless of the task we have to perform, we must always keep in mind:

Rewarding is always the best way . For our friend, staying still can be difficult. If it becomes saturating for him, we should take regular breaks. Praising him is also always a good methodology and, of course, giving rewards like cookies is always appreciated by our dogs.

be patient . We should never rush these tasks, running the risk of hurting our animal.


To help with these essential processes for the well-being of our dogs, check out the products we have available for canine hygiene , ear health, optical and dental health as well as the snacks available that help our animals become well behaved children!

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

How to have a happy cat in 6 steps

Submitted by info on Fri, 2022-08-19 11:21

When we make the decision to welcome an animal into our family, we have to bear in mind that, from then on, we are responsible for its well-being and, consequently, for its happiness. And, in truth, they too are beginning to contribute largely to ours.

When a new cat arrives, we have to be aware that we will have to adapt our lives, routines and even some features of our home so that our feline friends feel at home.

To make that happen, we have 6 tips that will help make our furry ones happier.

tip 1

Tailor the house to your needs

For our feline to be happy, it is necessary that it has at its disposal some toys and spaces to play and feel comfortable. There are several suggestions:

  • Scratchers to keep your nails in shape and, in this way, do not “play” with the furniture;
  • Adequate place for him to sleep comfortably and feel safe;
  • Places where the cat can hide, and for that there is nothing that will make him happier than a box, for example;
  • Surfaces where he can climb and be able to observe the whole world around him from a different altitude;
  • Toys that can be “hunted” by our cat;
  • A litter box located in an inconspicuous place.

tip 2

Give our cat outside access

While house and neutered cats are perfectly capable of living indoors, our feline friends love to explore the great outdoors.

So, if we have the possibility, we should give them access to a garden or a balcony. If not, a window overlooking the outside is also a good option.

But of course, we must always be careful that he doesn't run away and run the risk of getting lost or having an accident.

tip 3

toys and cuddles

These charming felines love to play and cuddle. But they themselves determine the appropriate time for these activities.

They also make it very clear when it's the right time to stop.

In addition, felines only accept affection on certain parts of their bodies, which can vary from cat to cat.

Just be patient and we will learn how to make a cat happy when playing and cuddling.

tip 4

a feline companion

Although there are some situations where heat or adaptation problems can occur, especially if they are already adult animals, the ideal is to have more than one cat at home.

In addition to keeping each other company and grooming together, cats will also have a lot more fun.

Seeing two cats playing together is really funny.

tip 5

Have a fountain/drinker

Drinking fountains and fountains give our cats free-flowing water, encouraging them to drink more regularly.

Drinking fountains help to ensure that our animals are more hydrated, which prevents diseases related to their urinary system.

With special attention in the summer, the use of this accessory helps the well-being of our little friends, giving them health and happiness!

Tip 6

Proper food and snacks

Giving our cats a balanced diet, always taking into account the veterinarian's recommendations and the animal's characteristics, helps to maintain good health.

And a healthy cat is also a happy cat. But for our cat to be really happy, we must reward him with some food that he really likes.

Always in the exact measure and without jeopardizing the diet, we must not fail to pamper our pet friend with a snack.

If we have any doubts, we should always ask a professional for advice.

final tips

To finish

The last useful tips for the well-being of our little friends that we have to give are:

  • Make regular visits to the veterinarian;
  • Always have vaccines up to date;
  • Never forget external and internal deworming.

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Heat stroke: How to protect our animal

Submitted by info on Fri, 2022-08-19 11:10

Every year, in the summer season, there are cases of heat stroke, which is one of the fatal causes of our pets.

High temperatures can cause the body temperature to rise above normal – reaching over 40ºC – causing our animal to absorb more heat than it can dissipate, which can lead to multiple organ failure and, consequently, death.

Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat through their skin.

To maintain its body temperature, the dog usually looks for cool surfaces or shady places. When it cannot do this, pulmonary ventilation increases and the dog breathes in panting – it begins to pant. Unfortunately this cooling mechanism is much less effective than perspiration.

On high temperature days, there are recommendations that we must take into account and that, in addition to helping our animal to tolerate high temperatures better, can save its life:

  1. Always have clean and fresh water available;
  2. Maintain air circulation or ventilation in the places where we have our pet (inside the house, in the car, etc.);
  3. Always provide shade in places of rest (balconies without a place of shade are prohibitive when the heat is unbearable);
  4. Never leave our pet alone in the car in the sun or with the windows closed;
  5. During a car trip, we must keep the windows open for air to circulate or keep the air conditioning on. In addition to these precautions, we must stop at least every 2 hours so that our friend can drink some fresh water;
  6. We must never leave our animal stuck in the sun, without having any shade available;
  7. We cannot exercise the animal during the hottest hours – between 11 am and 5 pm.

The animals most susceptible to heat stroke are:

  • Very young animals or with an advanced age;
  • The flat-nosed breeds – such as the French or English bulldog – because they cannot ventilate as efficiently;
  • Long and/or thick fur animals;
  • Overweight animals;
  • Animals that have heart, vascular or respiratory problems.

We should never leave our animal exposed to the sun or closed in a hot place!

These are the signs that we should be aware of in our animal:

  1. Hypersalivation – when our dog drools a lot;
  2. Panting – when our dog starts panting non-stop;
  3. The dog's skin is too hot;
  4. When the dog has an accelerated heartbeat;
  5. The dog's rectal temperature is elevated;
  6. When our dog is tired and has muscle weakness or was almost without reaction (shock), most likely he has a heat stroke. Faced with this situation, we must wet his whole body with cold water – but not ice cold – to try to cool him down or wrap him in wet towels and take him to the vet as soon as possible, as his life could be at risk.

We must always remember that heat stroke is a veterinary emergency.

If we do not ignore these recommendations, we will have a happy summer with our partner.

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Vacations vs Animals – Tips and Suggestions

Submitted by info on Fri, 2022-08-19 10:52

Summer is here! And the high holiday season is upon us.

This is when the problem of pet abandonment increases – dogs and cats are left behind by their owners. In Portugal, it is estimated that a frightening number of 10,000 animals are abandoned per year.

These days, in addition to being regrettable that this type of attitude still exists, it is less and less justifiable – has it ever been? – because there are more and more options that allow us to give our 4-legged friends the treatment they deserve.

There is a whole range of options to which we can resort:

Take our little friends with us;

let them:

  • In a hotel for animals;
  • In charge of a “pet sitter”, in your house or ours;
  • With family or friends.

Take our pet on vacation with us

These days, it is increasingly easier to take our pet on holiday with us, especially if we are planning to travel by car or train.


On urban trains – Alfa Pendular, Intercidades, InterRegional or Reginal da CP – we can transport our 4-legged friend for free.

For this, it is necessary to transport it in a transport bag, as long as it is properly packed in a bag or transport box for this purpose.


If we go on vacation by car , despite being an easy-to-use means of transport for our pet, we have to be conscientious. Having animals loose in the car, on our laps or outside the car window is a danger, both for them and for other passengers and other cars.

According to the legislation, “the transport of animals must be carried out in vehicles and containers appropriate to the species and number of animals to be transported, taking into account space, ventilation, temperature, safety and water supply in order to safeguard their protection and the safety of people and other animals” . Failure to comply with these rules can be worth a fine ranging from 60 to 600 euros, according to the Highway Code.

Transport in a carrier is the most stable way of transporting our animal, available in different sizes and adapted to different animals.

Another possible solution for our dogs is the use of a dog seat belt, which works like a reinforced leash that secures the dog, at chest level and collar, to the car. In the event of an accident, attachment to the animal's chest area is safer, as it prevents strangulation.


If we go to a distant country and need to catch a plane to reach our holiday destination, we will have to organize the trip a little more in advance and choose airlines and hotels that are “ pet friendly ”.

Nowadays, many airlines allow the transport of animals, as long as we respect the conditions imposed. Normally, if our little friend does not exceed the established maximum weight, he will be able to travel with us in the cabin of the plane. Otherwise, our animal will have to travel in the hold. In both situations, our friend must be transported in an adapted transport bag/cage and must have a passport issued by an accredited veterinarian.

Hotel / holiday home

We have also managed to find hotels/houses for rent that accept our four-legged friends.

There may be some extra payment for this service as it may be free.

It is important to always know in advance if our vacation spot accepts our little friends, and it is our duty to indicate their size.

Leaving our animal in the care of others

If our holiday destination is not the best place to take our pet, the option we have available is to leave it in the care of others.

One solution is to resort to the services of a “pet sitter” .

As the name implies, the “pet sitter” is a “baby sitter” for animals. We may want to leave our pet at the caretaker's house during the period of our vacation, or ask him to come to our house to take care of our friend so as not to subject our pet to too much stress. This last option is one of the most popular, as the animal does not see its routine too affected.

There are people who provide these services, but if we can get the cheapest option it would be perfect: having friends or family do us a favor to stay or come by our house to take care of our animal. In addition to ending up being much more affordable, our 4-legged friends are not so surprised by our absence, as they have a familiar face.

When we don't have anyone to turn to, we always have specialized hotels for animals.

Nowadays there are several hotels that are dedicated to receiving exclusively our pets, with all the necessary comfort and dedication.

If you need more details, with suggestions and more detailed information, here are the links to:

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

Renal insufficiency

Submitted by info on Wed, 2022-08-17 16:00

Kidney diseases are quite common, both in cats and dogs, being more common when our friends are old enough. This problem can happen in an acute – sudden, fast and aggressive – or chronic – progressive, but slow way that becomes a problem for the rest of our little friends' lives.

About 60% of elderly cats suffer from kidney problems.

When we have a cat with kidney problems, symptoms usually only start to appear when at least 75% of their kidneys are no longer working properly. Until then, the disease evolves without us realizing it.

If we have a dog , it is also necessary to be attentive. Despite being more common in cats, dogs can have urinary problems, such as bladder stones and urinary tract infection.


These are the main symptoms to be aware of to prevent kidney disease:

  • Weight loss
  • Thirst increase
  • Increased volume of urine
  • decreased appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • vomit
  • hair loss
  • urine with blood

During the initial phase of the disease, our little friends show few or no symptoms at all. But with the progress of the problem and age, our animal begins to feel more thirsty and to produce more urine, being these indicators of the attempt of the kidneys to function.

Later, vomiting, lack of appetite and weight loss may begin. In more terminal cases, it is likely that we will begin to see the condition of our animal worsen, and may present weakness, depression, convulsions and hemorrhages, as other organs of the body begin to be affected.


As always, the best is always prevention . Regular check-ups at the vet – once a year – is a good practice to keep our animals' health under surveillance.

If we begin to suspect the disease in our little friend, we should take him to the vet in order to carry out blood and urine tests, and measure his blood pressure.


If it is confirmed that our animal has kidney problems, treatment must be carried out, always indicated by the veterinarian , in order to evaluate the degree and evolution of the disease, in order to give our little friend the best possible treatment.

Food is also an important factor in treatment. Diets high in protein or high in phosphorus are harmful, helping kidney disease to progress. In this case, our little friend must eat specific food, recommended by the vet.

Drinking water constantly is one of the best habits that our little friends should get used to since forever to prevent this type of problem.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, encouraging physical activity in our animals, is also an important measure that will improve their lives.

In cases of bladder stone, surgery may be the best option, as there are not many treatment alternatives for our animals.

recommended products

There are several ways to help our furry friends with kidney failure problems.

We must always keep in mind that the recommendations of our animal's veterinarian are always the best way to give our little friend the best possible quality of life.

Here we have some suggestions for products that will help our animals.


When our animal has kidney problems, one of the changes that is necessary is its diet. We must bet on specific food and that is advised by the veterinarian.

These are some of the suggestions we have:

For dogs: Clinical diet to help manage chronic renal failure and its complications in adult and aging dogs. Helps protect against progressive kidney damage, hyperphosphatemia and hyperparathyroidism.

For cats: Clinical diet to help manage chronic renal failure and its complications in adult cats, control intestinal disorders in cats of all ages and help manage diabetes mellitus in adult cats.


Supplements serve to complement our animal's diet, in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies or help in the better functioning of the organs, giving a better quality of life to our bigeyes.

Of the various supplements we have available for dogs and cats , these are some of our suggestions:

Recommended in the case of CKD, associated with a renal diet. High concentrations of Omega 3 fatty acids are also indicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, due to their antithrombotic, antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive effects. Dietary food based on lespedeza capitata extracts for dogs and cats. Supplementation of the daily diet with dry extracts of lespedeza capitata favors the elimination of nitrogen metabolites, without disturbing the ionic balance. Therapeutic nutritional supplement that supports good kidney function in case of chronic renal failure in dogs and cats. It is composed of chitosan and calcium carbonate, with a high nephroprotective efficacy and has no side effects for the indicated doses.
Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team


Submitted by info on Tue, 2022-08-09 19:21

The well-being and quality of life of our pet friends is increasingly a concern of owners.

Deworming is one of the main concerns to have with them, in order to take care of their health.

Protecting them from fleas, worms and ticks is something that we should always and regularly do.

By deworming our little friends, we are not only taking care of their quality of life, but also improving their resistance to future health problems.

In this way we are not only taking care of your health but also the health of all family members.


Types of parasites

There are two types of parasites: internal and external .

Therefore, it is necessary to protect our little friends internally and externally.

Internal parasites

Internal parasites, which range from larvae to worms, can be in the animal's body, such as in the heart, intestine or stomach.

This type of parasite is very harmful to your health, and can even lead to the death of our little friends.

The best thing is to talk to our veterinarian in order to protect them on a regular basis.

External parasites

External parasites are the best known in general, also because they are more visible to the owners.

We are talking about ticks and fleas, the most common. We must bear in mind that even if the animals do not leave the house regularly, we must deworm them regularly.

These parasites can enter our home through our shoes, for example.


Frequency of deworming

When should we deworm our animals?

We must always pay attention to their age and circumstances, in order to protect our little friends correctly.

External deworming always depends on the type of deworming agent chosen. Whatever the choice, we must always have our animal protected.

For internal deworming, these are the most important periods to consider:


When we have a litter in our house, we must deworm it immediately, repeating the deworming after two weeks.


Upon reaching adulthood, it is recommended that our animal be dewormed every three months.

Lactating women

When deworming a litter it is essential that the mother is dewormed at the same time.


The arrival of hot weather is also a sign of more exposure to the parasites.

At this time of year, we should reinforce antiparasitic treatment, just in case.


Type of deworming

Currently there are several types of possible treatments: pipettes, collars, pills, sprays, shampoos, …

The most suitable dewormer for your animal always depends on a few factors, where we must take into account age, weight, lifestyle (whether it is more homemade or more adventurous), what season we are in or even the environment around it. Our house.

Talking to a veterinarian is the best thing we can do to get advice on the best treatment for our little friend.

Here are some tips on the most sought after types of dewormers:


Most used method for internal deworming.

It is always advisable to have veterinary advice.


These spot-on products are applied directly to the animal's skin.

They are very effective, being absorbed immediately, acting throughout the body.

The protection's durability is not very long, having to be repeated monthly, as a rule.

We must always apply it on the skin and not on the hair, in order to act effectively.

To ensure maximum protection, it is important that our animal does not bathe in the two days before and after application of the pipette.

There are several brands, each with different active ingredients, which means they protect from different parasites.


Although they are not as effective, they are more durable than pipettes.

They usually work for about four months. Over time, they slowly release the active substances that protect our friends.

If our little friend has a tendency to bite or lick the collar, or even if we find that the collar causes itching or redness, we should probably think of an alternative to this method, so that he is protected but also comfortable.


It is a good solution for when our little friends are already infested with parasites.

In turn, it has a slower absorption.


Our suggestions


For dog: Advantix 4 pipettes

- Up to 4 weeks of protection.
- Repels ticks, mosquitoes, sandflies and biting flies.
- Kills fleas, ticks and lice on the dog's fur or skin.

For dogs: Effitix spot on 4 pipettes

- Up to 4 weeks of protection.
- Eliminates existing fleas 24h after application and ticks in 48h.
- Produces repellent activity against sandflies and mosquitoes.

For cat: advantage

- Up to 4 weeks of protection.
- Eliminates 100% of fleas in 12 hours and prevents new infestations.
- Water resistant and non-toxic to cats and humans.

For cat: frontline combo

- Offers protection against adult fleas, flea eggs and larvae, lice and ticks.
- Acts in less than 24 hours, ensuring continuous protection.




























Seresto Cat Collar
Up to 8 months of protection
Eliminates fleas and ticks
repels ticks
Scalibor dog collar
Up to 6 months of protection
Tick protection
Protects from sandflies – Leishmaniasis
does not release odors
Up to 8 months of protection
Eliminates fleas and ticks
repels ticks













Eliminate spray

Must be used once a month, all year round.
Immediate action against fleas and ticks.
Can be used for babies, dogs and cats.

Frontline spray

Can be used on dogs and cats from 2 days.
Resistant to baths and shampoos, ideal for summer.
Quickly kills fleas, lice and ticks.


Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team

“I have a 3-month-old Labrador who loves to gnaw on furniture corners.”

Submitted by info on Tue, 2022-08-09 18:33

“I have a 3-month-old Labrador who loves to gnaw on furniture corners.
What can I do to stop gnawing on furniture?”


To discourage our little friends from gnawing on furniture at home, we have to keep two things in mind:

  1. Making our furniture unattractive to nibbles;
  2. Give entertainment alternatives so they don't miss chewing furniture.


Tip 1: Make furniture or any other household object unattractive to chew.

By using a repellent spray in the places where he likes to gnaw, we are making our pet feel more inhibited in destroying our furniture.

Even when you do, the unpleasant taste you will experience should be enough to make you not want to repeat the experience a second time.

Although there are specific anti-bite products to discourage our animal from gnawing, we can also use an anti-micturition product, which will do a 2 in 1: it repels our little friend from urinating in these unwanted places, also making the urge to to gnaw on these sites is thwarted.

This training spray eliminates urine residue and helps dogs and cats learn not to urinate in unwanted areas.

In the same way, it helps that our little friends do not gnaw the area where the spray was placed .

It can be used inside and outside the house.


Tip 2: Have nice toys that make you forget about our furniture.

The fact that it is not desirable to chew furniture does not mean that our little friend loses the will to bite.

To help in this process, we must find alternatives so that he starts to be interested in other objects and loses the habit of gnawing what he shouldn't.

Giving them challenging toys is a good stimulus, helping them to have an activity that doesn't consist of destroying our home.

Beco Bone is an extra strong bone in natural rubber, scented with vanilla.

This bone has a perfect size hole to introduce our dog's favorite snacks .

Made of natural rubber, it also has the advantage of being a healthier, safer and more ethical toy, without compromising its durability.


Tip 3: Be persistent in implementing good habits, from an early age.

We cannot assume that our little friends' bad habits change overnight.

The trick here is to be persistent and not give up.

If we have an animal that, from an early age, has habits that we want to change, we must act as soon as possible.

It is much easier for them to learn and stop having certain behaviors when they are small.

Bruna Fernandes
NewPet Team